Improving Your Wellbeing with a Personalized Space
One of the most exciting, surprising, and challenging properties of high-end interior design is that it has no one-size-fits-all solutions. Just as each person is unique, so should be unique the interior, which will be a reflection of a person’s inner world, its continuation, and the ideal space for a happy life. The Moretti Interior Design team puts the client’s personality at the center and creates a unique space that will bring joy to the people who will live there. This year, the company received further recognition for its distinctive approach and became the winner of Luxury Lifestyle Awards in the category of The Best Luxury Residential Interior Design in the United Kingdom.

Moretti Interior Design was founded in London in 2006 by Italian-born designers Cinzia Moretti and Michele Ingrassi. Since then the company has been successfully working both in the United Kingdom and abroad, creating luxurious interior and lighting designs for residential projects. Today Moretti Interior Design is one of the industry leaders who have received many professional awards and recognition from clients, for whom Cinzia and her team have created their dream homes.

When working on each new project, Moretti Interior Design sees its main goal as making sure that the interior best fits the unique personality and lifestyle of the person or people for whom the design is being created. In order to achieve the goal, the designers study in depth the characteristics of the client’s character. Cinzia has combined knowledge of biophilia, lighting, color psychology, sustainability, olfactory itinerary, and technology to create Bio-Design, a design process aimed at improving the lifestyle and well-being of home residents, reconnecting them with nature.

“We are extremely honored to be recognized as winners of the Luxury Lifestyle Awards. This is a very pleasant and inspiring victory, which is a credit not only to our team but also to the clients of Moretti Interior Design. Each project is a challenge, the results of which bring satisfaction to both us and our clients,” said Cinzia Moretti.

Interior lighting design is one of the main activities of Moretti Interior Design, as it is the key to creating the right atmosphere in the home. Careful lighting design from the beginning of the creative process allows the team to accentuate and highlight the interior’s sophistication.

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