The Tiger Who Came to Tea, written and illustrated by beloved author Judith Kerr and published by HarperCollins Children’s Books, has charmed children and parents alike since its first publication in 1968. The Savoy has partnered with HarperCollins Children’s Books to create a unique children’s Afternoon Tea – The Tiger Who Came to Tea at The Savoy.
For what is The Savoy’s first children’s Afternoon Tea offering in its 129-year history, the iconic picture book is the inspiration for a feast of teatime treats that are drawn from the tea that Sophie and her mummy shared with the visiting tiger.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea at The Savoy is priced from £40 per child aged from five to 12 years old and comprises sandwiches, tiger striped scones and pastries that playfully reference moments in the story. The tea is served on bespoke chinaware also inspired by the story and available to buy from Savoy Tea.
The Tiger Who Came to Teaat The Savoy menu is available for children at the first two sittings of Afternoon Tea in the Thames Foyer from Monday to Friday. Traditional Afternoon Tea, Champagne Afternoon Tea and High Teawill also continue to be available (for grown ups!).
For more information or to book, visit