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The Art of Switching Off
In this day and age, the majority of us are definitely guilty of racking up a less than desirable screen time on our phones. With the current situation meaning that the majority of us are now…
Spot The Trend
Candle Light
Keep Calm and Pet Your Dog
London Dog Week launches #Pawsitivity Week 23 – 29 March 2020, the online gathering of dog owners and lovers celebrating the therapeutic power of pets at a time when most are settling into the work-from-home mode. #Pawsitivity is a chance to lift your spirits,…
Decluttering: How to Clear your Home and Mind
With a lot of us being stuck at home in self-isolation during the difficult times of COVID-19, you might be wondering what to do with your time. If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed at the current…
Building your Resilience
Resilience is a word we hear a lot about these days but it is something that can often be misunderstood. The online dictionary defines it as “An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune…
Healing Crystals and Where to Place them in your Home
Semiprecious stones and crystals have been used in healing for thousands of years. Skip to 2020 and they’ve never been more needed. Though the power of stones and crystals isn’t scientific, they can promote a feeling…
Bringing People Together Through Food
Learn to cook in your own home with Ruth Little’s Little Kitchen With stricter measures being imposed, more people are now adjusting to a new way of life inside their home. Why not learn to cook…
Herbal Heroes
5 of the Best natural herbal solutions to support immunity
During the seasons, our body can be challenged by viruses and bacteria, both of which cause infections, albeit of a different sort. We are lucky to have inbuilt defence mechanisms that protect us from invasion: our…